Investment Risks ! As we know there are risks involved in investments, do you able to identify them?
Probably you are able to name one or two but you will be amazed by this article on The Edge Malaysia, titled Understanding Investment Risk.
There are so many risks listed in the article. The writer is able to list more than 10 of them. If you are a new investor, probably you will start to worry before even begin your investments.
Here are some of risks listed?
- Market risk
- Manager risk
- Timing risk
- Concentration risk
- Liquidity risk
- Currency risk
- Counter party risk
- Custodian risk
- Political risk
- Economic risk
- Interest rate risk
- Inflation risk and so on
Wow ! One will wonder with so many risks around then how to make money from investment !!!
Anyway, as long as you done your homework before making any investment, the risks will be reduced greatly.
To understand more on investment risks, goto Understanding Investment Risk.
"No Risk, No Gain"
计算胜率 给我的投资打分
6 days ago
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